Delectable vegan chilli non carne

Sometimes you just need a no frills bowl of chilli non carne to get you through the day. When I make any one pot wonder I try to always do it the night. Firstly it always and forever will taste better the next and secondly it sort of feels like you’ve a night off and something to look forward to in the evening.  Oh the sweet aroma of a chilli is always so alluring. This is the recipe I use and although not conventional is always a crowd pleaser. I use Dave as my food gauge. If he asks for a second helping it’s a winner. This recipe has been known to hit a third bowl with ease.


What you will need:

1 large onion
4 cloves of garlic
1 roasted red pepper ( I cheated and used the sweet ones from a jar.)
2 tins of kidney beans
250g of mushrooms
3 red chili’s (less or more depending on your desired heat)
1 tbls cumin
1 tbls coriander
1 tbls oregano
1 tbls paprika
1 tbls liquid smoke
1 tsp cinnamon
100ml of coffee
200ml veg stock
2 squares of vegan dark chocolate
Salt and pepper



Sauté the onion, garlic, mushrooms (blitz in food processor beforehand) chili and red pepper in a heated and oiled pan. Add the spices, beans, liquid smoke, coffee veg stock and chocolate. Bring to the boil, reduced to a simmer and season with sugar, salt and pepper. Go about your day! The longer it’s left to simmer away the better.


Serve up as is, spoon it into a wrap and burrito it up, grab some tortilla chips and get dipping or boil up some rice like I did. I added the new Violife mature vegan cheddar on the side and you have yourself a match made in vegan chilli heaven.

Love Louise


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