Netherworld arcade and vegan restaurant – Brisbane

One evening in Brisbane and after a little vegan googling I came upon a place called Netherworld. I would describe it as a retro arcade meets craft beer specialist meets vegan junk food heaven. My sort of place. We spent the evening pretending we were teens again on all the old games, imbibed some yummy cocktails and had a junk food eating spree. While chatting with one of the lovely  staff members I got to asking about the bars inception. The answer… Well the owner lovely arcade games, brewing beer and is vegan so he combined the three to create this space. Now that’s what you call following your dreams.



I didn’t opt for a beer but I most definitely tottered about the cocktail menu. The cocktail concoction pictured below was gin, lemon, raspberry, syrup and aquafaba. Sweet, sour, simple and veeeegan of course.


Now junk food is totally justified when you find yourself gaming like its 1985 and we found ourselves devouring the nicest, messiest plate of cheesy vegan fries topped with jackfruit and slaw along with the crispy faux nuggets and perhaps another cocktail or three. All in all possibly one of the best date nights we’ve had. Easily pleased.







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