Spicy lentil shephards pie 

Shepherds pies were made for busy Monday’s! and breatheeee… The day is almost complete 😃 What’s not to love about spicy lentils and butterbeans  topped with cheesy creamy mash. What you’ll need: 250g garden peas 400g lentils 250g butter beans … Continue reading

Not quite a soup, not quite a dahl, not quite a stew… but damn scrumptious!

A long day today called for the laziest one pot dinner I could think of and here it is… Not quite a soup, not quite a Dahl, not quite a stew…. But my oh my is it scrumptious. Comfort food at it’s best and as simple as you can get.
lentil 4
Into a pot pop:

1 cup of each of the following
Basmati rice
Mung beans

lentil 2
Spices: (flavour to your liking)
Garam masala
Garlic Powder
Fenugreek leaves
lentil 3
1 can of coconut milk
Scoop of coconut sugar
Splash of sweet chilli sauce
5 cans of water. (I just use the coconut milk tin to measure out)
lentil 5
Give it a nice little stir
Bring to boil
Cover, reduce and leave for an hour. (Overnight would be better but hunger called) 
Top up on spices etc as required.
Serve up!
I told you it was easy and super delicious.
Add more water and into the blender to turn it into a soup if you so wish.
I popped a scoop of spinach pesto from yesterday’s recipe on top along with a sprinkling of salted peanuts, chilli flakes and parsley.

Serve up with a nice chunk of bread and enjoy.



All the bbbb’s…..Beluga, blackberry and beetroot!

Beluga lentil cake with blackberry/beetroot tagliatelle, beet leaves and coconut sweet chilli sauce may sound super fancy and a tad complicated but I promise as with most of my dishes its quick and easy and pretty as a little vegan picture.


For the lentil cake:

Boil and drain beluga lentils and broccoli.

Blend with dillisk, salt, onion, pumpkin seeds mixed herbs and anything else that takes your fancy. I also added some ground flax seed and water to help it bind. Scoop into metal rings and onto a lined tray.

Bake in the oven for 15 to 20 min at 200c.

beluga 2

For the pasta:

Boil water, add a pinch of salt and drizzle of olive oil and pop in the blackberry and beetroot tagliatelle (15 min.) I normally try to make my own pasta but this was just too inviting at the market and was packaged up their in front of me. Scrumptious.

beluga 3

For the sauce:

Into a wok add a tin of coconut milk, grated ginger, squeeze of balsamic reduction, puréed garlic, generous glug of sweet chilli, agave syrup and a squeeze of lemon. I’m all about flavouring to your liking with these sort of sauces.

For the beet leaves:

Sauté in a little garlic and oil. Simple… They smell a little like rhubarb and are loaded with goodness. Great in salads too.

Time to eat! Yum


Louise x