Preserved lemons, beetroot and goji berry salad

My day has been made all the sweeter by this new little salad. I think it’s nudged a past salad out of a podium position to make the top three. Very moreish. What you’ll need: Rocket leaves or leaves of … Continue reading

Raw rainbow rice rolls with a mirin and soy dipping

Keeping it colourful and raw tonight. Lots of heavier dishes over the week so was craving a rainbow. Rice rolls filled with beetroot, carrot, cucumber, mint, coriander, avocado, scallion dressed with sesame seeds, chilli flakes, squeeze of lime and rice … Continue reading

Beet, kohlrabi, grapefruit and pomegranate salad with a basil and pecan pesto

Oh sunny salads how I love you! This delicious combo is just bursting with flavour and as fresh as fresh can be. 1 cooked beetroot sliced thinly with a mandolin. 1 kohl rabi peeled and put through the spiralizer. If you’re … Continue reading

All the bbbb’s…..Beluga, blackberry and beetroot!

Beluga lentil cake with blackberry/beetroot tagliatelle, beet leaves and coconut sweet chilli sauce may sound super fancy and a tad complicated but I promise as with most of my dishes its quick and easy and pretty as a little vegan picture.


For the lentil cake:

Boil and drain beluga lentils and broccoli.

Blend with dillisk, salt, onion, pumpkin seeds mixed herbs and anything else that takes your fancy. I also added some ground flax seed and water to help it bind. Scoop into metal rings and onto a lined tray.

Bake in the oven for 15 to 20 min at 200c.

beluga 2

For the pasta:

Boil water, add a pinch of salt and drizzle of olive oil and pop in the blackberry and beetroot tagliatelle (15 min.) I normally try to make my own pasta but this was just too inviting at the market and was packaged up their in front of me. Scrumptious.

beluga 3

For the sauce:

Into a wok add a tin of coconut milk, grated ginger, squeeze of balsamic reduction, puréed garlic, generous glug of sweet chilli, agave syrup and a squeeze of lemon. I’m all about flavouring to your liking with these sort of sauces.

For the beet leaves:

Sauté in a little garlic and oil. Simple… They smell a little like rhubarb and are loaded with goodness. Great in salads too.

Time to eat! Yum


Louise x

A kaleidoscope of colour and flavour… fennel, beet and orange soup…

There is something so comforting about a big pot of soup. Quick to make and more or less foolproof! so with Autumn fast approaching its high time I got cracking on a few variations.

beet soup

I had some beautiful fennel from organic republic here in Cork that I was dying to use so I picked up some beets today to compliment them.

beet soup 2

Ok here we go: In a saucepan add a glug of oil and sauté finely chopped fennel. Add your spices – salt, pepper, all spice, oregano, nutmeg, garlic powder Grate and add an apple and the zest of one orange. Finely slice 3 beets and pop into the pot. Splash with apple cider vinegar. Scoop of coconut sugar Cover everything with water and then add two sachets of instant miso paste. (You can use veg stock too I just like the alternative kick from the miso) Bring to the boil, reduce and let it do it’s thing for an hour. Hand blend to desired consistency Serve up with chunky bread or like me eat it with leftover pastry pies!!

beet soup 6

beet soup 4

beet soup 3

Mmm… I topped the soup with soy yoghurt, sunflower seeds and feathery fennel bits. Don’t be afraid of the beets and fennel! I know you’re thinking OH NO I bet it tastes like earthy sambucca but it couldn’t be further from that. Delicious!

beet soup 5

beet soup 7

Love Louise
